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Accelerating Canada's Hydrogen Future
April 22-24, 2025
Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Industry Co-host

Alanna Hnatiw


Alanna Hnatiw

Mayor of Sturgeon County and Chair of Edmonton Region Hydrogen HUB
Sturgeon County

First elected in 2017, Mayor Alanna Hnatiw stands as a dedicated and long-standing resident of Sturgeon County with a passion for her community that extends beyond her political role. Mayor Hnatiw and her husband raised their family on a hobby farm in Division 5.

Mayor Hnatiw's connection to the land is evident in her family history, which boasts a lineage of farmers. Despite this agricultural legacy, she has charted her own path, spending most of her adult life in the oil and gas sector. This diverse background brings a unique perspective to her leadership style, marked by an open-minded approach and a commitment to finding innovative solutions to the challenges facing Sturgeon County.

In addition to her role as Mayor of Sturgeon County, Mayor Hnatiw serves as the Chair of the Edmonton Region Hydrogen HUB. This leadership position underscores her commitment to regional collaboration and sustainable development. Through the Hydrogen HUB, she actively promotes the integration of hydrogen technology to propel the region into a cleaner, more environmentally conscious future.

At the core of Mayor Hnatiw's vision is the pursuit of a prosperous future for Sturgeon County. Recognizing the importance of diversifying both agriculture and industry, she aims to create an environment that supports small businesses and fosters responsible, sustainable development. Her leadership focuses on opening doors for residents, ensuring their voices are heard.  Mayor Hnatiw is actively seeking opportunities to enhance the economic landscape of the county to ensure a positive future for our youth.

Beyond her mayoral duties and regional leadership, Mayor Hnatiw finds solace and rejuvenation in various activities. Whether it's horseback riding, golfing, downhill skiing, or the tranquility of teaching yoga, she embraces a well-rounded approach to life. These pursuits not only reflect her commitment to a balanced lifestyle but also serve as a testament to her multifaceted leadership style.

In Mayor Alanna Hnatiw, Sturgeon County has found a leader whose dedication to the community is woven into the fabric of her personal and professional life. With a focus on innovation, economic growth, and the well-being of residents, she continues to shape a resilient and vibrant future for Sturgeon County and plays a crucial role in advancing sustainable practices across the broader Edmonton region.

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